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TakePart.com Launches New Letter Writing Action Type for TAP

Today TakePart launched the newest feature for TAP (TakePart Action Platform) – letter writing. The new feature makes it simple to send a letter to your government officials, by identifying your representative based on your address, providing you with a pre-populated message on issues you care about, and delivering your message to its recipients.

This action type was in high demand by Participant’s Social Action Network (SAN) of over 127 NGOs. TakePart expects to see high usage of this new action type across its content. 

TAP Letters also can be used to send correspondence to any custom recipient(s), with or without geographic targeting. 

Since no other consumer action platform currently offers this action type, it’s a true differentiator for our product.

Congratulations s to all across TakePart and Social Action who worked creatively and diligently to launch Letters.

Check out TakePart’s inaugural letter writing campaigns here.