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You Should be Watching ‘Fortitude,’ a Murder-Mystery that Makes Climate Change the Real Villain
The New Republic – April 9, 2015
By Lili Loofbourow
“Fortitude,” the wintry new psychological thriller about murder, the arctic, and environmental collapse, ends its first-season run Thursday on the cable channel Pivot. Starring Stanley Tucci and set in an otherworldly Arctic icescape, it’s one of this season’s most visually interesting new shows, a scientific twist on Cronenbergian body horror. Nothing about “Fortitude” is traditional and that’s surprising, given how familiar much of its subject matter seems. Named after the town in which it’s set, “Fortitude,” which has just been renewed for a second season, started off as a murder mystery and devolved into a tale of ecological destruction—where the real danger is the slowly melting earth. Read more here.