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‘Teach’ Campaign PSA Is Inspiring Kids To Become Teachers


This Movie Theater PSA Is Inspiring Kids To Become Teachers
The Huffington Post  – May 8, 2015

By Rebecca Klein

A public service announcement encouraging young people to become teachers has been playing in hundreds of movie theaters around the country in recognition of national teacher appreciation week May 4 to May 9.

The PSA, called #TEACHNow, has been playing in nearly 400 theaters as part of Participant Media’s TEACH Campaign, which aims to stimulate great teaching.

“My goal with #TEACHNow is to visually illustrate that teaching is so important that it deserves its own recruitment piece featuring teachers as the heroic, life-changing, amazing people they are,” Lesley Chilcott, director of the ad, said in a press release. “We need to show our most talented youth that teaching is an incredible career choice.” Read more here.