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  • Spotlight

‘Spotlight’ Gets 5 Stars


Time Out U.K.  – Sept. 3, 2015

By Dave Calhoun

Thomas McCarthy assembles a dream cast for his powerful drama about the journalists who exposed paedophilia in the Catholic Church in Boston

‘This is Boston,’ says Stanley Tucci’s seen-it-all victims’ lawyer to a reporter in ‘Spotlight’, echoing that famous last line in ‘Chinatown’: ‘Forget it, Jake, it’s Chinatown’. But forgetting isn’t an option sometimes: ‘Spotlight’ calmly and powerfully traces the work of a group of dogged Boston Globe journalists in 2001, who were determined to expose the systematic cover-up of abuse in the local Catholic church. ‘Spotlight’ is the story behind the story, and it’s the film equivalent of reading an especially thrilling New Yorker article: ruthlessly detailed, precise and gripping but never brash or overemotional. Read more here.