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SmokinApps Review of WFS iPad App ‘Super School’

The amazing 2010 documentary Waiting for Superman left the entire world reeling. It showed us that American schools are in serious trouble and it’s time somebody did something. And now you can, without even leaving the comfort of your own couch!   The app is a great follow up to the documentary, and as such it’s a great new take on apps: it shows what is happening now and what YOU can do to help. There are loads of projects to browse through and you can sort them by urgency or days to go. You can contact your local representative and there are prefab texts you can personalize and send. There are local projects you can pitch in with, or make a donation to.   This is not a perfect app. Controls are cluttered and stall from time to time. The games aren’t high tech, or much fun, the graphics aren’t that special. All that doesn’t really seem to matter though, as the main thing is education and getting as many kids as we can to a decent school with inspiring teachers. With this app YOU can be Superman!   We rate this app 3.5 out of 5 stars   http://smokinapps.com/app/super-school-presented-by-waiting-for-superman/review/