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Rolling Stone and Participant Media’s pivot Join Forces To Celebrate The New Greatest Generation

NEW YORK (March 27, 2013) – pivot, the new cable network launched by Participant Media, today announced at its New York upfront presentation that it will join with iconic brand Rolling Stone to create a multi-platform promotional, marketing and content alliance to reach millennials, ages 18-34.

Rolling Stone is the leading voice of youth culture reaching over 20 million consumers on a monthly basis across the magazine, online, mobile and social media platforms.  Delivered with the energy, passion, irreverence and a point of view that defines its audience, the magazine has embraced youth culture for over 45 years and is a trusted voice among today’s millennials.

Enter pivot, the new cable network from Participant Media that caters to the tastes and minds of millennials. Launching August 1st in more than 40 million homes, the network will be built on the company’s philosophy that entertainment can inspire and accelerate change.

The details of the partnership were unveiled by Rolling Stone publisher Matt Mastrangelo and managing editor Will Dana along with Evan Shapiro, president ofpivot and Kent Rees, the network’s head of marketing, scheduling and operations.

Matt Mastrangelo said: “Since its inception, Rolling Stone has set the agenda for what’s important to America’s young people. Be it boomers, X-ers or now millennials, through high-quality journalism that is authentic, genuine and entertaining, Rolling Stone is the voice of youth culture. We have found that same sensibility in Participant Media’s new cable network, pivotThey embrace our resolve to engage and activate millennials and we believe, that together, we can deliver this hard to reach audience to our advertising partners and provide unprecedented access to an extraordinary group of influencers.”  Dana added: “We are excited about the opportunity to work with pivot to further extend our distinctive and respected brand by building programming that complements Rolling Stone’s existing platforms and developing content that is appealing to and provides a unique glimpse into this discerning and passionate audience.”

“We designed pivot for this generation because we believe they are destined to change the world.  They have inherited enormous challenges not of their own making, yet remain optimistic about the future,” said Shapiro. “Joining forces with Rolling Stone is a perfect way to reach this generation.  They are an ever evolving testament to the power of youth and the perfect reflection of the varied tastes and passions of the millennial community.” Rees added: “We are enormously happy to be working with Rolling Stone to create content for, by and about the millennial cohort.”

Rolling Stone will:

  • Create a three-part issue special editorial series this fall across all its platforms, focusing on the lifestyles, attitudes and tastes of this generation. Each special will combine reports from homes and campuses, the workplace and cyberspace, the streets and suburbs. They will enlist their award-winning writers as well as millennials themselves to profile this next generation’s influential, emerging artists, technologists, entrepreneurs, activists, athletes and politicians.  Executives and talent from pivot will collaborate on these themes, offering video dispatches that complement the features.
  • Writers and editors will appear on pivot, as part of the network’s week-long programming celebration.
  • Collaborate with pivot on a seminal research study on the habits, lifestyles, passions and futures of the Millennial Generation.

pivot will:

  • Collaborate with Rolling Stone to develop and dedicate a week of prime time and late night programming focusing on the lifestyle, passions and challenges of millennials through content including documentaries such as “We Are Legion,””99%” and “Terms & Conditions.” In addition, pivot will devote an entire week of Take Part Live – the network’s nightly talk show – to millennials and feature Rolling Stone editors and contributors to capture the current pulse of this exciting generation.
  • Commission a comprehensive, nationwide study, in collaboration with Rolling Stone, on the lives and minds of millennials.


About Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone has been the leading voice of music and popular culture for more than 45 years. The multi-media brand features the latest in music reviews, in-depth interviews, hard-hitting political commentary and award-winning investigative journalism across many platforms including magazine, digital, mobile, social and event marketing. Rolling Stone provides “all the news that fits” to 20+ million fans of the brand every month.


About pivot 

pivot  is a new television network from Participant Media, serving passionate millennials with a diverse slate of talent and a mix of original series, acquired programming, films and documentaries. pivot focuses on entertainment that sparks conversation and inspires change, using programs such as “TakePart Live”, its nightly talk show, to illuminate issues through engaging content, and its website TakePart.com to continue the conversation and connect audiences to a wealth of content and customizable actions.  pivot is also changing the media landscape, available via traditional Pay TV subscription this summer to 40 million-plus homes as well as a live streaming channel via its interactive, downloadable pivotApp. In both content and delivery, pivot is TV for The New Greatest Generation. Follow pivot on Twitter and on Facebook.


About Participant Media

Participant  is a global entertainment company founded in 2004 by Jeff Skoll to focus on feature films, television, publishing and digital content that inspire social change.  Participant’s more than 40 films include “GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK.”, “SYRIANA”, “AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH”, “FOOD, INC.”, “WAITING FOR ‘SUPERMAN’”, “THE HELP”, “CONTAGION” And “LINCOLN.”  Participant’s social action campaigns and digital network TakePart.com continue the conversation and connect audiences to a wealth of content and actions.  Its new millennial television network pivot, launching this summer in 40 million-plus homes, is TV for The New Greatest Generation.