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New York Daily News Gives Page One 4 Stars

“PAGE ONE: INSIDE THE NEW YORK TIMES” — 4 STARS Reviewed by Joe Neumaier Documentary about challenges faced by the title newspaper (1:36). R: Language. At the Film Center, Angelika. Admittedly, a documentary about the newspaper business will hit home in ink-stained offices. But director Andrew Rossi‘s deep-sourced “Page One” is ultimately about more than just this one outlet and the way personalities and principles fare when they come up against hard facts. As Rossi follows several Times reporters and editors, a few of those personalities stand out. Most prominent is David Carr, the Midwesterner with a tire-screech voice whose tenacity and triumph over his demons brought him to the Times’ door. The other is Brian Stelter, a young reporter who looks like Charlie Brown but might as well be Flash Gordon to his old-school colleagues. Emphasizing the importance of new media, Stelter is ready to bring the paper back to the future, though this terrific tale of an establishment in transition ultimately plays like “All the President’s Men,” with the intrigue coming from inside the building. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/movies/2011/06/17/2011-06-17_short_takes_page_one_a_year_inside_the_new_york_times_and_pins_and_needles.html#ixzz1PWreJAdx