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Chrysalis Butterfly Ball honors Participant Media

LA Times reports on Saturday’s 2014 Chrysalis Butterfly Ball, where Participant Media was honored.

Al Gore is surprise presenter at Chrysalis Butterfly Ball

By Ellen Olivier

LA Times – June 9, 2014 – 

The event: Chrysalis Butterfly Ball party-goers had a nice surprise on Saturday when former Vice President Al Gore turned up to deliver the tribute to honorees Jeff Skoll and Jim Berk, founder and chief executive, respectively, of Participant Media.

Powerhouse producer Steve Levitan of “Modern Family” and other hit comedies also presented an award to honoree Jay Sures, managing director of United Talent Agency, on behalf of the Chrysalis organization, which is dedicated to lifting individuals from homelessness and poverty.

And Chrysalis president and CEO Mark Loranger presented an award to client Darius Coffey, who achieved self-sufficiency with help from the organization.

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