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AP Story on Plum Organics Promotion for ‘A Place at the Table’
Film on hunger comes with food donation to US kids
The backers of a documentary on hunger in the United States are teaming up with an organic food producer and a book publisher to make a food donation to needy children. Magnolia Pictures and Participant Media are releasing “A Place at the Table” on March 1 in theaters and on iTunes and On Demand.
The companies, along with Plum Organics and the Perseus Books Group, announced Wednesday that a packaged “Super Smoothie” will be donated to an infant or toddler for every ticket sold to the film, every online download of it, or each purchase of a copy of the film’s companion book. The Plum Organics smoothie is made of fruit, vegetables and grains. The film was directed by Kristi Jacobson and Lori Silverbush and features actor Jeff Bridges.
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