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Al Gore Wants You To Have “Realistic Hope” About Solving Climate Change

It’s easy to feel pessimistic, but with his new film–An Inconvenient Sequel–the former vice president is returning to the screen to rally the fight for the planet.

Fast Company – June 19, 2017

By Adele Peters

A decade after the Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth made the threat of climate change real to millions of moviegoers, the film’s star, Al Gore, is back to make it even more so. In An Inconvenient Sequel, due in theaters July 28, he shares an outlook that is both more dire and more optimistic: Last year was the hottest ever on record, but it also marked a high point for installations of renewable energy. Gore believes that the momentum for positive change has become unstoppable, no matter what current politics might indicate. “We will solve this crisis,” Gore says. “No doubt about it.” Read more.