Things you can do to change our food system… With your fork. Your voice. Your vote.

Farmers markets enable farmers to keep 80 to 90 cents of each dollar spent
by the consumer.
One of the main developments since Food, Inc. is the proliferation of ultra-processed foods – chemically formulated with additives, artificial sweeteners and fake flavors – which are at the heart of diet-based health problems. The rise of ultra-processed foods provides financial advantages and ample revenues to corporations by increasing product durability.
- UPF make up about 58% of US adults’ caloric intake
- UPF could be one of the main driving factors of diabetes and many other chronic diseases
The most significant action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, soil degradation, and deforestation + increase biodiversity.
- Farmworkers are among the most exploited and lowest-paid workers in the United States, most are foreign born
- Farmworkers’ wages are roughly 60% of what all other nonsupervisory workers are paid
- The Fair Food Program is a unique, groundbreaking model for social responsibility that ensures dignified, humane wages and working conditions for those who feed our families
- Restaurant jobs have consistently ranked as 6 or 7 of the 10 lowest-paying jobs in the United States, year after year.
- The subminimum wage for tipped workers is still $2.13 an hour at the federal level.
- 4 companies have a stranglehold on 85% of beef processing.
- 3 companies dominate 83% of cold cereal.
- 2 companies dominate 70% of the carbonated soft drink market and 80% of the baby formula market.
- Nearly 1 in 8 individuals, including 12 million children in the U.S., suffer from access to food.
- Schools should work with regional and local food systems to bring nutritious foods into school cafeterias.
- The Universal School Meals Program Act has yet to pass since its introduction in 2021, leaving 44 states to pick up where the federal government left off. California, Colorado, and Maine have made this policy permanent.