It’s Time To Care For Those Who Care For Us

Healthcare workers are human and they’re hurting. The COVID-19 pandemic has widened inequities in health and has left healthcare workers overworked, stressed out, and exhausted.

Let’s build a more equitable healthcare system that destigmatizes access to mental health support for healthcare workers.

It’s an awful feeling to wonder every single time I walk into a room with a patient, ‘Is this it? Is this the time when I’m going to get sick and going to be the one in bed?’ Especially when the patient is a nurse.

Kellie Wunsch, ICU NURSE


The Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act has passed! This historic win is made possible thanks to participants like you who lent their voices in support of the first piece of federal legislation that protects the well-being of healthcare workers that passed the Senate on February 17, 2022.

Now more than ever to keep the momentum going to protect our healthcare workers and destigmatize access to mental health support happens at the local level, in your own state.

The pandemic has taken an unfathomable toll on the medical community. A tremendous burden is being placed on frontline healthcare workers who must deal with long, back-to-back shifts, anxiety, and burnout. And yet, many refrain from seeking mental health support, fearing career repercussions like losing their medical license if they speak up.

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength.

Did you know? Many state medical boards penalize healthcare workers for reporting mental health concerns or seeking support. Some even risk losing their medical credentials.

Join us in calling on your state medical board to eliminate unnecessary, discriminatory questions about mental health that prevent clinicians from seeking care.. It’s time for the system they work for to prioritize their wellbeing.


Donate to #FirstRespondersFirst to fund programs that take a whole human approach to supporting our frontline healthcare workers by addressing their basic needs, mental health and systemic changes to improve their day-to-day experience. Your donation will provide critical mental health support and resources to frontline healthcare workers who continue to face the parallel pandemic of trauma and burnout.

An average donation of $25 can provide invaluable mental health support for a healthcare worker in desperate need of help.

Tell us a story about a healthcare worker who made a difference in your life, inspired you, or simply taught you something.

Each “Heartfelt Note,” whether it’s a voice message, video, or note to thank a healthcare worker, will be compiled and shared with healthcare workers this holiday season.