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AllThingsD Piece on TakePart’s TakeAction Tools

TakePart Launches a Social Action Tool for Publishers
Mike Isaac
August 8, 2013 at 12:22 pm PT

TakePart.com, the digital network wing of Participant Media, announced Thursday a new tool for content publishers to help connect causes and initiatives — such as major disasters or world events — to user actions, ultimately aiming at spurring community action.

The TakeAction set of tools is essentially a series of embeddable widgets that publishers opt in to installing on their sites, auto-scanning content on a Web page and matching it to potential social actions users can take using other sites.

That’s a complicated way of saying that it gives people options to actually do something if there’s a way they can be involved in a major event. So, for example, say there’s a natural disaster of some sort (earthquake, tornado, what have you). TakePart’s new tech could auto-scan the publisher’s page to identify the type of content being shown — in this case, a disaster issue — and use the widgets to direct users to third-party sites where they could help victims of said disaster.

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